Phase 2 self portrait..

its not exactly what i wanted to do but im alright with it. pretty much, i dont hate it and thats all that i really care about. um... school has been going really awesome, i dont really know what to say about it except that its awesome. so far ive be gotten 5 out of the 15 assignments done, which im really excited about. i really want to get done early so i can reshoot if i need to. this has been so exciting. i wish there was more to talk about but all ive been doing is going to school shooting for my phase 3 portrait, getting props, eating, sleeping, and thats about it. yeah.... the life of a photography student sounds pretty amazing.... haha ok lattttttter.
What is most important is that you are enjoying yourself during your time at school. Glad everything is going well and keep up the good work Jacquie.
Ditto what Rob said!
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